Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What do you think Arizona Sheriff: Wildfires Likely Started by Mexican Drug Traffickers, Smugglers?

To hear of this blame in this century is very sad.. this fires are acts of Nature,, storms, lightning. etc, why blame the Mexicans ? put the blame where it belongs, Nature and the evil spirits Arizona is attracting.. Acts Of Nature.

What can i use in place of a septum ring?

i cant go buy a septum ring cuz im 13 and my mom will find out.. lol but im going to pierce my septum myself today .. what can i use (thats safe and sanitary :P that will be put in place of a septum ring (horseshoe preferablly )

Why is Green Day considered more poppish rock now than before? (read description)?

I think that they are considered more "poppish" because they have been made more known over the years. I also think that the fact that their music has been used on broadway upped their "poppish" identity. But of course I don't think that them being "poppish" makes them a bad band.

I have a BAD pimple..HELP?

Okay soo i asked a question about my pimple yesterday..and i went to bed with it and i woke up and it was SCABBED over and its like impossible to cover up because of the scab! and the color of it is like purple and dark! it doesnt hurt that bad, but lemme tell yerrr, i HATE IT. last night b4 i went to bed i popped it a couple of times. then it started to hurt and stuff cause i also like scratched it cus i had dry skin. NOW I HAVE THIS UGLY SCABBED PIMPLE ON MY CHEEK. idk what to do ;( how long will it be there? or what can i do to decrease the time its on my face? or being noticable!!

What do think about a career in the airline industry?

So.. i'm 19 and at this junior college, i was thinking about transferring to a university after fall semester and finishing up a bachelor's degree in i have no idea what- i was thinking film studies and then after i get that degree go into the airline industry as a flight attendant which is something ive always wanted to do i just wanted to go to school first you know. besides bein a flight attendant makes it easier and closer towards being a pilot(imma girl by the way lol) so what yall think? sounds cool id love to hear your opinions. lemme know....

Did the Diamond Horseshoe at Magic Kingdom change from casual dinning to quick service dinning?

It is a quick service except during free disney dining plan when it opens during dinner to be a table service.

I want too be a united states marine?

If it is what you want to do then you need to do it. If you still want a college degree there is the possibility of getting it while in the military. Don't stress yourself out too much about running and swimming. While it may be easier if you can pass all the PT stuff with flying colors, it is not required...just be reasonably in shape. Good for you on considering service, you won't regret it.