Sunday, July 10, 2011

Is 13 almost 14 to young to get you navel pierced?

im 13 and im going on 14 pretty soon! i know how people think letting your children have a piercing is bad parenting but its just like getting your ears pierced! well not really. Ive been wanting one so bad but my parents said when im 16 but recently my aunt cousin amanda just got hers done but shes in high school. my mom really likes it and is thinking about getting one. since she knows i want one so bad and since shes getting one she thinks it will be unfair if im not allowed. also my cousin said that im very responsible. I would clean 2 times a day and i wouldn't show it off to everyone. I want it for me. Ive done all my reserch and found a very clean and lisened place to do it for me. Its called the Blue Horseshoe. My mom said i could do it and im really excited but do you think im to young? im in 8th grade and everyone at my school has a cartlige piercing and some have a belly button piercing, I had my appendix taken out 3 weeks ago and they put a camera in through my belly button. so its numb still but im very good with pain tolerance. Ive done all my reserch and im a very responsible person. I have straight A's and just want this for myself. so please no rude comments. just am i to young or should i go for it? THANKS (:

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